The technology of glass-cutting has redefined our conception of home decoration and renovation. Glass is underestimated when compared to opaque and tough materials. Modern technological has made it possible to process and transform any existing material into desired forms. Likewise, glass has been productively cut and designed into many usable varieties to fit individual preferences. Glass manufacturers and service providers have remarkably cut and styled glass to have its own charm and class.
Cutting a Glass
The procedure of cutting glass includes the use of right instrument and pressure to cut and shape the glass into appropriate angles. The entire process is done with great proficiency by congenial persons so that not a single scratch or crack is able to blemish the shining material.
Commonly Used Glass Edges
Pencil: This type of glass edge is commonly found in almost every home, office, restaurant or cafes. Pencil cut and polished glass panels have round edges, which will comfortably fit in your budget.
Flat: Here glass panels are cut depending on the thickness of the glass. Flat polished and cut glass edges are chamfered into 45 degrees.
Bevel: As the name suggests, the glass is cut and polished to have a bevelled edge. The thickness of the glass again plays significant role, as the edge of the glass is cautiously cut from the edge to give it a gaudy slant.
Seamed: The edges are moderately polished and hence unlike bevel is not quite chic in presence and comparatively inexpensive.
The distinct phases where the glass cutting technique is utilized
- Bettered ideas of furnishing a home have coined the concept of customized glass accessories. The professionals carefully take note of your desires and then proceed to cut, shape and design a piece to live up to your requirement and taste.
- You can discard the age-old and blatant rectangular, see-through type clear glass windows with wooden frames. With glass cutting service you can order custom shape, accompanied by ornamental metallic frame.
- If the thought of proper insulation worries you, then even thermal glass can be cut precisely into different shapes. An oval thermal glass window surrounded by classic brown vinyl or aluminium frame will look marvellous on white walls. Hence, when you opt for glass cutting service be assured that insulation, shape, size or any experimentation will never be a concern.
- Though primarily used for doors and windows, glass is flawlessly cut to make shower enclosures, shower doors, coffee tables, dining tables, cubicles, partitions, shelves and other decorative accessories.
Glass cutting can also be applied on textured panels. Whether the glass is hammered with patches, detailed with acid art, blurred with wavy strokes, tinted with bright hues, or frosted to maintain the privacy, any textured glass can be certainly transformed to exquisite patterns.