Damaged glass or broken glass can prove to be a safety hazard. Also, as far as hygiene issues go, old glass that has not been replaced for a long time can prove to be an issue. Replacing glass can be a matter of making cosmetic changes to tarnished glass that has long lost its sheen. Whatever be the case, all you need to do for glass replacement is give us a call.
At Academy, we not only replace your glass, we also diagnose glass related problems. For example, your window may be placed too close to a water source which is why it constantly fogs up and finally lands up with that tarnished and foggy look that never goes away. We also clean glass with superior technology that ensures you do not have to live with grime or spots. Glass replacement was never easier. We welcome you to the shop floor and assist you in making an informed choice after we understand the window that we are dealing with. With an encouraging smile that promises to indulge, we give you all our attention; we do know that for you to take the time out to come to us, is a task indeed and we respect you and your time.
Replacement of glass is an equally, if not more, easy process. It brings out the same response from us and takes us a jiffy to fix. Window glass replacement or anywhere around the world can be difficult task indeed, with fancy windows today boasting of ridges and grooves that one might find challenging to tackle. Yet, tackle we do. We understand your window, its system and the sizes involved. Then we go through the entire process of finalizing a glass that will be most appropriate for the kind of window we are talking about. And finally, with measurements and accuracy in place, we install the window glass and make it as good as new for you and your space.
So come to us today with your glass related issues and we will definitely fix it before you know it!